Doggone Tired (1949)
New Characters But The Rabbit Still Smarter Than The Dog
23 September 2007
"Remember, boy: you'll never catch that rabbit until you get a good night's sleep."

That sentence sums up the premise of this movie as a rabbit - tomorrow's dinner - devises plans to keep the hunting dog awake all night so he won't be able to catch him first thing in the morning. It is said by the dog's master, who repeats minute later, just in case the audience in the theater doesn't hear it the first time.

This cartoon gets funnier as it goes along. The dumb dog gets more and more tired as the smart rabbit keeps coming up with new ideas to keep him awake - one about every 15 seconds! Finally, the dog's eyelids say "out cold," and things get really get tough.

There are a lot of good sight gags in here and the ending is almost guaranteed to make you laugh, too. This is vintage Tex Avery humor. By the way, why are rabbits always pictured as smarter than the dogs. In fact, except for Droopy, dogs are usually shown as stupid in cartoons. Rabbits are always smart and cats are always evil. Have you noticed?
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