Fantastic Show
1 September 2007
The segments of each show come from recent news items and historical records (ACLU skits based on their court cases come to mind.) Each segment takes a position normally found in reporting from ABC, CBS (sorry to hear Katie Couric is auditioning for Al Jazeera, she should have done the Limbaugh interview and kept her CBS anchor job), NBC, MSNBC, CNN, the LA Times, New York Times, Washington Post ... Insert your "objective" unregistered lobbyist for the Democratic Party "news" source here. The writers then show the holes in these "objective" reports and to the applause of the live audience provide constructive counter point and humor. I'm disappointed to see those who enjoy the drive-by truth deniers can't laugh at themselves. Next time read the disclaimer at the beginning of each show. You can switch to the Cartoon Network until the real fake news is over.
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