Review of Project X

Project X (1987)
This obscure gem has got everything!
15 August 2007
We have the most charming and endearing non-human character in the history of cinema. Lassie, Benji or even Toto couldn't hold a burning piece of blue wax to the impossible not to love Virgil. We have two lead actors with enough charisma to hold their own, while maintaining the quiet humility necessary not to upstage the simian lead. We have many genuine laughs and just as many heartfelt tears. We have characters, human and non, that we love and care about. We have genuine and sincere passion and emotion. We have a powerful political statement and a film that's actually about something.

My affection and personal attachment for the musical, THE PRODUCERS is well known by everyone who knows me well. However, this not so well known gem is truly Matthew's shining masterpiece!
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