Well, It Certainly Is Original And, Despite The Ending, I Found It Fascinating
26 July 2007
Wow, this is really a bizarre story with an ending that probably will turn off 98 percent of viewers who stick with this two hours, 147-minute film. I'm not sure what to make of it, other than totally understanding if people are left unsatisfied after watching this movie. As I said, I'm not sure how to interpret it as I just finished it minutes ago. It leaves you almost stunned.

Rather than judging that finale and having to use spoilers, let me just comment on the first two hours of the film, which I found utterly fascinating. If I wasn't such an admirer of photography, art and special-effects, I doubt I would have found the movie so appealing because the story is "not for everyone." However, thanks to stunning French city and countryside scenery, 18th century period and beautiful women it enhanced the story to me. Yet, regardless of the visual treats, the story was so unusual it still would have held my attention.

There are enough reviews here so that to go into the story in detail isn't needed except to say this is an "original." I'm not familiar with any other story about a man who has such an extraordinary sense of smell that he can perform olfactory miracles and then, because of it, uses it to turn into a mass murderer. This is weird, really weird, but captivating to say the least.

Ben Wishaw, who plays the lead character "Jean-Baptist Grenouille, has a face that is perfect for this role. His emaciated body, which survived a brutal childhood existence from the moment he was born also makes his character all the more credible. The looks of shock and awe on this man's face throughout the picture also add to his believability. He was mesmerizing with his haunting expressions. Dustin Hoffman and Alan Rickman provide "name" actors the film but it's Wishaw's movie, all the way.

I can only recommend this movie to those who share similar interests in cinematography and who like a "different" story but there are so many things in here - especially the ending - that could offend so many people, I would be hesitant to recommend this to the general viewer.

I'm going to go look for the book at our local library. I'm curious how that version compared to the screenplay.
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