911: In Plane Site (2004 Video)
This video raising very important questions and if nothing else, calls for some honest answers. There are many unexplained issues that should be explainable.
23 July 2007
The questions raised by the video are valid questions. How could a plane have crashed into the pentagon leaving no wreckage whatever? The photos and videos of the fire fighters confirm there was absolutely no wreckage on the ground. Where is the wreckage what of the black box? An eye witness said he saw something like a missile hit the pentagon.

President Bush told school children that he saw the first plane crash into the tower on TV. Why would he make that up when there was no video of that crash on TV at the time?

How could the steel inner core of the towers melt when the fire did not reach the bottom of the towers not even half way down? Why is it that not of shred of evidence related to the planes has been released?

How does it happen that the tower planes and the pentagon plane somehow exploded into oblivion. One must admit that is very suspicious as though it were planned some how. How convenient that all the legal work on the corporate fraud was destroyed in building 7. Frankly it takes a lot of blind faith to believe the government and media explanations for what happened.

These are all valid questions and they deserve honest answers.
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