Transformers (2007)
Great Summer Entertainment
19 July 2007
This film will make guys wonder why dramas are even a movie genre, and females (and most males) will appreciate the witty script and great performances by LaBeouf, Julie Dunn, and Kevin White (the latter two play parents of the young human hero). A few plot holes (if the All Spark is raw power, then why the lame ending to Megatron and Prime's battle?) will anger ardent fans of the TV show, but everyone has known that plot holes are flaws of 98.9% of action movies since they were ten. The last battle is in crowded L.A., so the Transformers kind of blend in with the set design--watch it closely or you'll miss a few bullets. What also bugged me was the rapid camera pacing in battles; ten camera changes in seconds made it hard to determine the fights' progress. What would have made this movie great is if Bay didn't reveal the robots right away, adding to the movie a magic that made the child in most of us love the show in the first place. Great fun that will satisfy both sexes.
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