Probably the best movie yet...But still missing to much to be great..
14 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okayy...so this movie? Not too bad. I do understand the need to make the book shorter in order to fit into the movie but honestly, did they have to cut out so many great scenes? I was particularly looking forward to the scene where Hagrid was kicked out of Hogwarts. That would have been a great piece to watch, but instead Hagrid is very scarcely mentioned in this movie, along with Minerva McGonagall and Remus Lupin...and Firenze wasn't even introduced.

I thought, although i dislike Michael Gambon's portrayal of Dumbledore in previous movies, i think he was closer to being the real Dumbledore in this movie...I think he did very well...I take my hat off to him

I also believe too much emphasis was placed on the D.A. If perhaps some of those scenes were cut they could have put in some of the the others. This movie makes enough money that surely it could have been extended another 20-30 minutes?

And also it felt very rushed, things didn't flow properly, and they added things in that didn't make sense at all...If the parts of the book that corresponded with the altered scenes in the movie had been put there it would have made more sense instead of doing it this way...

Dobby was once more cut out completely... And Neville did the parts that Dobby was supposed to do..

Some scenes were done terrifically...like the fight at the ministry of magic...but they changed the curse that hit Sirius from "Stupefy" to "Avada Kedavra"...The look and Harry's Face when his godfather passed through the veil just made your heart go out to him...

Other than that the fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort was brilliantly done...even though the Statues weren't used like they were supposed to be...it was still very well done...

They miss out most of the scene where Harry destroys Dumbledore's office, and he never asks Nearly Headless Nick about ghosts which i thought would have been a touching scene...and the mirror Sirius is supposed to give Harry isn't even mentioned...

The guy who plays Sirius, Gary Oldman, i thought rated a mention in my comment because he was so good in this movie...and when he dies in the battle...he is brilliant...

Imelda Staunton played Dolores Umbridge to perfection, I can say no bad about her....

Rupert Grint and Emma Watson have really matured as actors...It's a pity once these Harry Potter movies are finished they will always carry with them that stigma..

The thestrals were good...and Grawp was actually kind of cute...

All in all, one of the better movies...But i'm not entirely sure that is saying very much... For those of you who disagree with me...That is fine..but i still think this movie could have been better with a few little adjustments and if it was better thought out... I feel for David Yates who had to pick and choose between scenes because he is likely to cop some criticism...

I will say this though..if you haven't read the books the movie is absolutely fantastic...if you have read the book...it doesn't compare whatsoever...but do yourself a favour and don't think about the differences, sit back and enjoy the film...
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