Jack Palance Was Outstanding
12 July 2007
Always enjoy a film in which Jack Palance,(Frendlander) appears in and know that it will be a great film to view and this film was a big surprise for a 1977 film and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. This film starts out with a large group of men who were chained and pounding on rocks in a place that looked like a desert. Keir Dullea, (Lewis) was one of these men pounding rocks and all of a sudden he is being released by a proclamation from the President of the U.S. The next scene shows Lewis laying on the ground and wakes up and cannot remember anything at all and joins a group of other people in the same situation. These people eventually are met by Jack Palance, (Frendlander) who brings them to his town and they soon find out that they are going to become slaves in his town and have no future to be able to think for themselves. This is a Sci-Fi film and at this point, I cannot say anymore, except, don't miss this film, it is a great 1977 Classic.
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