Review of Pulse

Pulse (I) (2006)
I'd rather spend a night lancing blemishes with a rusted needle than watch this again
12 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are no words in the English language that can adequately describe just how terrible this film really is, but let's see if I can try to describe it.

First, a question to Wes Craven: Did you even THINK about research before writing this script? Was it too much effort to actually research the topic of modern technology before attempting to write this pseudo-trendy wannabe horror film? Perhaps it's time for that nursing home now, Wes. Perhaps you could scare your roommates there because you surely didn't scare anybody with this film.

The only thing that frightened me about this movie is the knowledge that there are people out there who will actually like it. That's far scarier than anything you will see in this pathetic mix of 'Scream' and 'The Ring'. Imagine 'The Ring' with annoying, spoiled college kids forced into suicide after a computer virus decodes demons out of thin air. Somehow, the only way these kids can defend themselves is with red duct tape - something that is neither explained nor remotely conceivable. If you can imagine that, then don't see this film as whatever you've pictured HAS TO BE BETTER THAN THIS.

First in the long, long list of problems with this film is the fact that it was made at all. Second to that, the absolute lack of anything close to logic regarding technology is astounding. It's as if the person that wrote this simply skimmed an issue of PC Weekly and wrote the entire script by randomly inserting technological terms they thought sounded modern or impressive. Third problem in the list is how desperate the film feels - desperate to be "hip" or "in". This film is not unlike the woman you see hanging around in the mall wearing clothes that she is WAY too old to be wearing. That's how this movie feels. It tries so hard to pander to a young audience that it literally becomes a joke. Wes should have called this script "Hey kids, I'm still cool, right?". Yawn.

Another one of the many flaws is the "heroine" of the story. So stupid is she that she hears a military message on the radio stating that cell phones, computers and PDA's are dangerous and IMMEDIATELY opens up her cell phone - only to get attacked. I found myself ENCOURAGING the internet demon things - I actually cheered the thing on - "Eat her, yeah, suck out her soul or whatever it is you're supposed to be doing!" Already I've spent more time discussing this terrible excuse for a waste of time so I'll summarise : From inane opening to ridiculous end, this film is a larger waste of time than harvesting maggots for fun and profit.
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