Review of Jesus Camp

Jesus Camp (2006)
This should serve as a wake call
3 July 2007
This movie made feel repulsed & angry at the same time

I saw someone post the words Child Abuse (which this clearly is) However, these children must have parents who wish their children to be exposed to this kind of frighting Mind-F*%# (Which is unbelievable to me!)

The roots of this movement are based in the fact that the Republican party receives huge sums of money & hundreds of thousands of votes from these dangerous groups, but then they expect their stone age views to be forced upon us, as if they were a viable sector of American ideals & thought ! But they are insane & its just that simple. & wrapping hate & intolerance in the supposed love of god/Jesus does not make it any less dangerous.

The time has come for(Normal)parents to show their children that these people are dangerous & detrimental to society as they teach hate & bigotry along with silly ideas about science & life that distort truths & promote idiocy.

I teach my children science & the glorious wonders of life on our planet & the universe & you can see their eyes light up with joy & the natural hunger for knowledge.

The fact that the majority (Not the minority) of the people in this country still look for life directions in the year 2007, from a group of books that were written by angry men being persecuted by the Roman Empire is just shameful.

Nero (The roman leader labeled the devil 666 in Revelations) died a long time ago & the catholic church did the same damn thing as the Romans did once they obtained power.

(What difference does it make if you are put to death by a roman emperor for not bowing to him or you are put to death by a pope for not bowing to catholicism ? - None ! its the same thing.

The fact that the actions of the people in this movie are tolerated without extreme outrage makes me wonder about the future of this country. Just remember that when Ted Haggard (who states in the movie that when his army of idiots vote they determine the outcome) was caught as total fraud who regularly purchased homosexual prostitutes & meth for personal use, He simply blamed the devil (Are you kidding me? The Devil ? Its 2007 ! The Devil ! Grow Up )

But whats really scary is that he is correct about the voting issue That is how powerful these freaks are in the U.S.A.

Sorry for the soap box rant here, But this is the one subject that makes my blood boil & the fact that this movie shows them targeting & brain washing young children just makes me want to be sick.

Take this movie seriously Because these very dangerous people are as serious as a heart attack.
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