The Other Side (I) (2006)
ultimately a huge disappointment
24 June 2007
i just watched this film, and although it's received some rave reviews on here which piqued my curiosity initially, i was thoroughly disappointed by this horrible, horrible movie.

ignoring the poor production value, The Other Side still totally blew. the acting, special effects, dialog, and plot were all cheesy and sub par. so i really can't understand why there are people giving this film such high ratings or raving on about it with blatant over exaggerations about the performance by the cast and the directing.

this film is not the least bit original, the plot is unimaginative, and the film makers show no signs of talent and little creativity. Hollywood already has an overabundance of derivative action movies if that is what you're looking for (nothing wrong with that, i love many of them too). there is just absolutely nothing exceptional about this cinematic failure.

good films can indeed be made on a low budget. Population 436 for instance is a good example of how good writing, acting talent, and good directing can make a great movie without a huge budget or even exceptional production value. however, The Other Side does not deserve the same kind if praise and will no doubt be relegated to the $.99 bin at a discount video store.

save yourself the time and money and skip this film. this movie gives indie films a bad name. don't be deceived by the mouth-frothing astroturfers giving rave reviews that are full of stock quotes paying lip service to the film and comparing the director to the likes of Robert Rodriguez--pfft... yea right. it's these types of film industry sycophants that turn film criticism into simply adverts or marketing mouthpieces for the movie studios.

it seems that no matter how bad a film is, studios can always find some hack to give them positive reviews to quote on the DVD. this is unsurprising, but the way this trend has infected IMDb lately is somewhat disturbing.

i predict the IMDb rating to drop from 7.7 as of right now to well below 5 as more people seeing the film and give their honest ratings.
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