Spider-Man 3 (2007)
The film is trying to do too much and I am greatly disappointed.
15 May 2007
I really believe this is the worst film in the series. The series should get another producer/director and go another direction. The film, simply, is trying to do too much. The director should have just stuck with one major villain, like the previous two films, instead of three. That way, the movie would feel less rushed and better developed. Right now, the film has too many angles, themes and story lines to be one coherent story. It is actually frustrating to watch.

The most disappointing part of the movie is how under utilized Venom is. For such a major character in the original comic book series and a character with so much potential, his screen time is laughable. I want to see more of him than the last 30 minutes of the film. It is understandable that the director is using the alien symbiote (since it brings out the bad side in people) to create an internal conflict in Peter Parker; however, having Sandman as Uncle Ben's original killer is enough (not so in the comic books). Venom would be better served if he is in Spiderman 4, and be the only villain in the story.

The only redeeming quality of the film is the impressive CG (computer graphics) and the last battle scene. That is money well-spent. Everything is smooth and realistic; it feels like a steal to pay only ten to fifteen dollars to witness such marvels in technology. Still, the battle feel a little bit too short. I wish it could have been longer.

The plot is only worth a 3 out of 10; however, with the technology, I would bring it up to 5 out of 10. It is an entertaining movie, but not an award winning movie.
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