Pelle's Pursuit of Happiness
1 May 2007
Because of the similarities, I think it interesting to compare Pelle Erobreren with The Pursuit of Happiness (2006). In both movies we see a father/son relation. Both see father and son struggling to make a living. There it ceases.

Almost all differences are in favour of Pelle. Will Smith' son is an annoying little Mr Know-all. Pelle is a real kid, learning life lessons the hard way. Will Smith embodies the American Dream - his movie is not interested in all the thousands, who fail. Von Sydow's Lasse Karlsson is one of those losers. Still he only wants a quiet old age. The Pursuit is a cheesy tearjerker, constantly we are reminded of all the bad luck, the set backs. The Pursuit rubs it in our face: Will Smith and son are soooo pitiful! Lasse and Pelle Karlsson are not pitiful at all. They don't have time for it, as they are too busy coping with their hard life.

Consequently The Pursuit is a smooth movie, inevitably leading to its happy end. The spectator is expected to rejoice, after rooting for them. Being it so predictable, I could not. Pelle is not smooth at all. In fact the script is not very consistent. Quite a few sidelines are not fully developed, many characters remain vague. There are several open ends. That is the reason I don't give Pelle the full 10. But it is also true, that the fragmentary story far better paints real life, than all the Hollywood smoothness. We will never know, how far Pelle will get conquering America. Indeed, nor will his father.

When comparing, there is no question about acting, cinematography and scenery. Pelle Erobreren shows, why European movies can be so superior to Hollywood stuff, notwithstanding the much smaller budgets. See The Pursuit and Pelle shortly after each other - you will see, what I mean.
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