Good night, and good Bugs.
25 April 2007
Since I took some interest in Edward R. Murrow after "Good Night, and Good Luck" came out, it's good that I've now seen "Person to Bunny". This cartoon portrays Edward R. Murrow - or someone based on him - interviewing Bugs Bunny about the latter's career. But Daffy Duck doesn't like Bugs getting all the attention, and Elmer Fudd (voiced by Arthur Q. Bryan for the last time) gets up in arms when Bugs badmouths him.

Yes, it's always great to see Bugs making mincemeat out of Daffy and Elmer. And this one is compounded with a look at old-style TV; I hope that most people agree that Edward R. Murrow was better than the likes of Bill O'Reilly. A really neat cartoon.
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