Paragraph 175 (2000)
It wasn't only Jews!
16 April 2007
I would imagine that 99% of those questioned would think that only Jews were killed in the Nazi death camps. In fact, gypsies, homosexuals, politicals, and Jehovah's Witnesses were also given special stars and faced extermination.

There are only about 10 homosexuals left from this tragedy, and they interviewed eight for this special film. It was incredible and moving and, if you are not touched by their stories, then you are cast in stone.

The film did mentioned that this punishment was reserved primarily for men, but they did not explain why. I wouldn't take anything away for that, but it should have been discussed as they had many lesbians in the movie. Did they just want to show nude women? Gratuitous monties? I remember my visit to Dachau and the memories I have of this shame on humanity. This film will have to hold me until I can get to the Holocaust Museum in Washington to see more. It is not to be missed and everyone should be checking HBO to see when it plays next.
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