An American in Paris
22 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Perry Mason goes international here as he travels to France to defend US Marines Capt. David Breman for the murder of millionaire businessman Felix Altmann. We learn early in the movie that David suspected, with good reason, that Altmann is really former Nazi concentration camp commandant the notorious Hauptsturmfuher Dieter Krugmann of the Midanek death camp in German occupied Poland and has been living undercover in France as businessman Felix Altmann for the last 40 or so years.

Ggetting the information that Krugmann is alive and in Paris living under an assumed name from Midanek concentration camp survivor Elsa Remsy David, who's mother Helene is also a survivor of Midanek, wants Krugmann to be brought before the bar of justice and pay for his crimes. The only person who can identify him Mrs. Ramsey is suddenly run down and killed on a Paris street. Coming to the conclusion that Altmann is actually Krugmann David finds out, through his good and close friend American diplomat Curt Mitchell, that he spends his time in a local health spa and goes to see him only to have Altmann gunned down before his eyes by an unknown and unseen assailant.

It's a race against time for Perry Mason as he uses delaying tactics to get the evidence to clear Berman of murder before he's convicted by a military court-martial. Perry is hampered by this bunch of doofas wannabe Nazi hunters lead by another concentration camp, this time from Triblika, survivor Otto Rosen a former,or so he says,Polish/Jewish guerrilla freedom fighter. Rosen and his boys, that includes the almost clueless Carl Meyerhoff, do more to screw things up in finding evidence of Berman's innocence then in finding the elusive Commandant Krugmann, if he's in fact alive, himself. Krugmann always seems to be a step ahead of the law and the Nazi hunters out to get him.***SPOILERS*** It's later shown that Krugmann in fact is being helped by the Nazi/SS Odessa Group who have an inside man in the US embassy who tips him off whenever things, like now, start to get hot for him. So who was the murdered Felix Altmann if he's not, as Perry Mason suspects, wanted Nazi war criminal Dieter Krugmann?

Far too complicated to go into detail, without giving away a lot of keys facts, "Desperate Deception" goes on to uncover a major hole in the Nazi hunter Otto Rosen organization that has to do with the fearless Otto himself. Otto is using the organization for his own selfish purposes. It's later in the movie that the real reasons for Otto's obsession with Krugmann comes out that will leave you, as well as everyone in the court house, in a total state of shock. The biggest shock of all comes when you just about thought that the movie was finally over as we start to realize that the Nazis are alive and well and still in control some 45 years after they were blasted out of existence. That is of course in the minds and pens of those screenwriters in Hollywood who still write these kinds of scripts for both the movies and TV.
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