Review of Earthstorm

Earthstorm (2006 TV Movie)
There needs to be a way to vote 0 on a movie,
10 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Just when I thought the Sci-fi channel had hit rock bottom with their low budget movie of the week and couldn't go any lower, somebody breaks out a jackhammer and digs rock bottom deeper. I've seen B movies. But this one should be called an F movie. Bad, Bad, Bad. Don't get me wrong the acting wasn't that bad, but the total disregard for scientific fact ruined any chance this movie ever had. If anyone involved in the making of this Stinking pile of dog do-do reads this, PLEASE don't ever try making a science fiction movie again. Go back to making Soap-Opera's. There is a reason it's called Sci-Fi. The Sci is short for SCIENCE. There should at least be an attempt to work within scientific fact. Shuttles don't go to the moon. You there is no air on the moon so you can't fly a shuttle up from the moon. You can't walk around on a shuttle in space. The three main shuttle engines can't run after you dump the external tank. I could go on and on. I wish I could give this movie a 0 but you can't vote that low.
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