Little Worth.
9 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There is a scene in this movie where where the group of girls play naked ring around the cauldron. It may be the most exciting scene in the movie, if you block out the one very large girl. This rip-off of The Craft is duller than a church on Sunday. The picture on the poster even looks like Fairuza Balk. There isn't anything to watch except for the curiosity of seeing an early Clea Duvall, a naughty Sherri Rappaport, and a nunny Jennifer Rubin. The plot is basically the same as The Craft, a group of girls play with magic and pay for it, but without any decent actors or good effects, it's forgettable. My favorite scene is Rappaport's topless dance in her Catholic school girl outfit, for obvious reasons.
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