Keen Eddie (2003–2004)
A Series That Was Aborted Before Maturity
6 March 2007
I cant add much more than has been added, only get my name in among the Keen Eddie fans.

I have never forgiven, nor have I forgotten, Fox for running Keen Eddie during the World Series. I can remember the baseball games ending and Keen Eddie would be halfway through. Of course it wasn't going to get good ratings. No one wants to watch half a show, especially if they don't know the premise of the show.

About a year later I was at Best Buy and contemplating which King of the Hill season I wanted to get. I had season 3 in my hand, then I caught Keen Eddie out of the corner of my eye, threw down KotH, and purchased Keen Eddie without even looking at the case. I thought "hell yes, and then I'll get season 2 when I'm done with this one" only to carefully read the phrase "Complete Series" on the case. Dammit.

I really do think that the humor in this series was past most American viewers. Not to sound like a pompous jerk, but movies this is based off, like Snatch and Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, not to mention Layer Cake and Sexy Beast (just British cinema, not influencing the show) aren't nearly as popular on this side of the Atlantic.

Thats their loss. This is one of the best series I've ever seen, in terms of cinematography (is it called that when its a TV show?), creativity, and humor. I only have 3 TV shows on DVD, and this is one of them. And if my discs get scratched I'll buy it again.

The aforementioned creativity, humor, camera affects, replay value, and drama is what made me give this a 10/10. It isn't perfect, but it stuck with me. And when you can watch a series time after time and it doesn't get old, then its got something special.

Keen Eddie has that something special for me. And where the series leaves off..

Damn you Fox.
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