25 February 2007
I love the TV series, but hated this movie. The set up started as a funny road trip. The International Hotel scene was sophomoric, but lauphable if you like self pleasure, lesbian, whore and slut jokes.

Some of the skit inserts had merit but had nothing to do with the pathetic story line. What were they thinking? Why ruin a funny TV show?

This was an obvious low budget T and A, potty joke and F@#$ fest to bring in students and trailer trash. In fact, some of the trash sat behind me and thought the movie and thought is was hilarious. They kept comparing it to how funny Police Academy 6: City Under Siege is - that tells you something.

Go back to Reno and stay there. If the producers are reading this, and you take this mess Scottland Yard - count me out as a loyal Reno fan.
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