Jaw Dropping Fun
24 February 2007
It was my friend's birthday and he LOVES cheesy bad cinema - the kind that are sooo incompetent and unintentionally hilarious - so when I saw a DVD copy of Hasselhoff and Linda Blair in a flick called BAIL OUT for 2 bucks - bingo - I bought it and gave it to my pal. Well, we laughed our butts off - this movie starts bad and just keeps getting bad. You see badly executed stunts, awful acting, garish costumes and stunningly corny dialouge "There's a time for shooting and a time for talking" - Hasselhoff was also a producer on this and he makes sure he gets well lit and his hair is always perfect and hair sprayed into place - he plays a bounty hunter called Whitebread who is also a tennis pro - there are clichéd Asian gardeners, clichéd Mexicans, clichéd Arabs, clichéd evil Columbian drug lords - there is even a scene in Mexico where a Mexican character living way out in the middle of nowhere is wearing an actual mariachi costume and they never call attention to it! Like - hey we all dress like this, see? Wow - you have to see this to believe it and most of the time Linda Blair is tied to a chair and gagged so she does lots of special EYE acting. This is one of the greatest bad movies ever made. Hasselhoff rules - you have to pay attention when he almost slips trying to jump onto a truck or his special thrusting of fists in the air as he celebrates shooting down a helicopter (where you can plainly see the wires attached to bring it down). A very special piece of rotten cinema.
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