Yet Another Misunderstood Horror Film
12 February 2007
I have been watching this film series for many years now. The first of the "Freddy" films I actually saw was part 3, which is still the best in my opinion. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge is truly a lime in the series, as far as fans of the series go. That doesn't mean it is a bad horror movie. Actually, after watching this one for many years I have come to rather enjoy it. You might want to put this movie into the category with other horror sequels like Halloween 3 because they go against the traditional sequels. Actually, if you take Freddy out of this movie and replace him with just another dead serial killer this movie would hold its own as an original horror film. This movie also has very little trademarks of the series in it. For one, the infamous Freddy music is completely gone from this movie. Instead, we have quite a nice atmospheric, if not very dark soundtrack from Christopher Young. Also, the Freddy glove is in this movie, but if you look closely at times Freddy isn't wearing the glove. Instead, the blades are protruding through his fingers.

Also, you get quite a bit of bizarre things in this movie that seem inspired from many other horror films. We have a killer bird, many haunted house type scenes including objects moving on their, things blowing up. We have dogs with human faces on them, a perverted gym teacher and last but not least Freddy possession scenes. Throw all of this together and you get quiet a strange flick.

Another thing that I liked about this movie were the special effects. The effects in this movie must have opened a few peoples eyes back when it came out because they are truly disturbing. Look for the scene where Freddy is clawing his way out of our leads body.

I guess the only thing I didn't like about this movie was the lead character of Jessy. I found him to be obnoxious and kind of a wimp. At least in the first movie Nancy was all down for trying to do something about Freddy killing everyone around her. Jessy would rather act like a baby at times.

All around, I liked this film and I think it needs to be looked at again by some people. I know I certainly don't look at it as a true sequel to the original, part 3 is the true sequel. But, I think this movie is still a lot of fun and recognition is definitely due. 7/10
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