Torpedo Run (1958)
Drama Good - Plot Far-fetched
11 February 2007
When I first saw this I got caught up in the drama & fine acting that Glenn Ford & Ernest Borgnine put into the script. On a second viewing you realize how contrived the special effects are & how far fetched some of the sequences are. At least the film is logical & creates good drama.

Looking at it the second time, there is no way with World War 2 equipment that the sub could go through a mine field like that. A lot of sequences show depth charges going off so close to the sub, that it would have instantly sank, not survived. Any submariner could only wish they could have done this.

What this film is good at is producing drama & atmosphere. Of course, a lot of submarine films have already duplicated the atmosphere so by the time this one was made, that is not a big accomplishment. The quality of the interaction between Ford & Borgnine is what makes this film watchable. Just ignore the far-fetched underwater sequences & concentrate on the story & you will enjoy it.

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