Pretty weak comic romance, Ferrell still rises above the material
3 February 2007
Al (Will Ferrell) and his two roommates were born on the same day, in the same hospital. Now in their early thirties, with no partners and no prospects, the trio agree to make a deal. They will each fork up $2,000 as a cash prize to the first one of them to find a girlfriend and live with her for three months. This is the only way, they surmise, to "get serious" about their own destinies. Their first paths to romance include answering the paper's personal ads. Al meets a cute, perky lady in a restaurant but becomes so nervous, he bolts out the tiny bathroom window. The other two make dates with women who turn out to be sex fiends. Well, try, try again gents! This is a fairly weak, sometimes offensive little romcom. It has some funny moments, such as Al asking a lady, who is already moving to the groove, if she wants to dance. Yes, she turns him down. In fact, Ferrell is probably the only real reason to take a chance with this film. He can turn many a lame line into a comic winner. However, the end is a bit disappointing, the costumes are okay, and the production values nothing to write home about. If you are truly seeking a something new in the romcom department, having seen almost everything else, go ahead and watch this one. It is not memorable but could keep the entertainment blues away until a genuinely funny film comes along.
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