Red Serpent (2003)
Somebody said this is the worst movie he had ever seen. I agree
20 January 2007
Defining this movie as awful is a compliment. I can't imagine that money could make a PRO such as Roy Schieder lend his name to such a plot less and silly movie. After the naive exploding cars (not shown just heard) and stuff the ending is the cherry on the cake. This movie deserves the Razzie of the Century. Anybody that reads these comments and then watches this movie anyway will not be able to say they hadn't been warned. The dubbing out of sync makes even the most terrible of villains become a clown. The snarling between people "fighting for their lives" just seems to be slapstick. The "technological" effects show screens with the pertinent details of each main character. The speed of these screens is so exaggeratedly fast that not even a trained fast reader could do without the DVD remote. Luckily for all the serious movie lovers of this world the efforts of these "craftsmen" have not had a sequel. Bad taste, bad costumes, bad acting, bad directing, no continuity. I have never seen a movie about which not one good thing could be said until I saw this one.
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