20 January 2007
At best, this film was mediocre...at best. At times it seemed to pull you in, but then it would throw you right back out with ridiculous character dialog or simply...well, bad props. One big thing about this movie is that it's like a train wreck. You know what's going to happen, you wish it would hurry up...and you can't look away. I could have watched 'Return of The Living Dead' for the eighteenth time, but instead I decided to watch this craptastic film. I thought it would be funny, as it had so many aspects that possessed the ability...but it was neither over-the-top enough...nor was it realistic enough to make the story believable. To tell you the truth, you can tell right from the beginning with the intro credits that this movie is going to suck. But I recommend seeing it anyway, just to prove that there are worse things that plan 9.
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