Entertaining low budget science fiction movie is good fun
19 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is certainly no classic, or even a good movie. But there's something engaging about the little band of survivors, determined to halt the Slime People in their plot to take over Los Angeles. The lovable professor is played by Robert Burton, who had appeared four years earlier in the Swedish'American film Terror in the Midnight Sun, in a similar role. Future AIP starlet Susan Hart plays one of the professor's daughters, and reliable character actor Les Tremayne has an odd role as a hermit/author, who has a goat for his best friend.

The Slime People themselves look pretty good for B movie monsters, and the fog created by the monsters is a very effective way of adding a sense of mystery to the every day settings.

The movie reminds me of Night of the Living Dead in some ways, without the gruesome scenes and overwhelming terror. In both films, a small group of randomly assorted people take shelter in a building ,to evade a horde of monstrous creatures, and improvise whatever means they can to fight back. A resourceful man becomes the leader, with some opposition from the others, but generally managing to unite against the monsters. The heroes of this movie however, are successful in defeating the creatures, and are brave and unselfish, where the people in Night of the Living Dead can barely tolerate each other, and do not survive, let alone emerge triumphant.

The movie has plenty of unintentionally funny moments, but is able to muster some genuine suspense and excitement anyway. It's really not that bad, considering the obviously low budget and amateur nature of the production.
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