Death Wish (1974)
What A lot of Us Would Like To Do
17 January 2007
Death Wish is a film that can be brutally honest. For the time, I can see why this film was so famous and sparked many sequels. Here we have the story of a man named Paul Kersey, an architect and has many liberal views on the world. When he and his wife come back from vacation his whole life is turned upside down. After his wife and daughter leave a grocery store near their home, three hoods follow them and rape his daughter and murder his wife. This sparks something in Paul. After noticing that the police were doing nothing to find the hoods who committed this crime, Paul takes the law into his own hands and becomes a vigilante.

I really enjoyed this movie. Charles Bronson is always a lot of fun to watch even if it seems that he doesn't put a lot of emotion into his acting. Vincent Gardenia plays the detective who is out to stop the vigilante crimes and he also plays his part well, as always. We even get to see a very young Jeff Goldblum near the beginning of the movie playing one of the hoods.

What makes Death Wish such a fun movie to watch is simply seeing Paul Kersey taking the law into his own hands. You really end up cheering him on. He is better then any other fictional type of vigilante because he seems like a really human being. He doesn't run around in a Bat suit or has to cover his identity. He is almost the all American man who has just taken enough of sitting around and feels compelled to do something about the crime all around him.

Unfortunately, other then the second Death Wish movie, the rest of them are just jokes. They take away from the seriousness of what this movie was meant to be. Not to say that they aren't enjoyable, if you like seeing Charles Bronson blow people away with bazooka's and take on the mob and what not.

If you like this movie you should check out Falling Down. Another great vigilante movie, but with a sense of humor. 9/10
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