Highly misleading title
17 January 2007
Highly misleading title which will scare away some who will enjoy it and lure others who might not. So, not a ghastly slasher or even a giallo copy but instead an effective tale of jolly and not so jolly Mexican life among the better off. More especially a drama involving the possessive, chauvinistic Hispanic males and the largely put upon wives and maids. Things do get a bit hairy towards the end when the nutter really gets into his groove, chasing the lovely lead all over with his axe. Otherwise this is notable for the aforementioned 'nutter's penchant for ladies hair. He has a locked cabinet full of lady's locks and we see him have the odd chop to expand his collection. Bit of thriller then, lots of drama, oh and lots of humour plus lots of good looking girls, a shower scene from the lead as a bonus and in the end who can complain. Decent offbeat viewing.
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