5 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Katsuya Matsumura's Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case is based on a series of events that took place in November of 1988 where schoolgirl Junko Furuta was abducted by 3 boys and held captive in one of their houses for 44 days. During this period she was raped repeatedly, beaten, set on fire, made to drink her own urine, had fireworks inserted into her ass and lit, and plenty of other..vile things.

The film opens with 2 of our ''leading men'' viciously raping a squawking girl while the other beats & kicks her boyfriend. It then cuts to individual scenes of each boy at his house ''interacting'' (read: punching & kicking) with his parents to show us how well adjusted they all are. Next we follow the fella's as they go cruising lookin' for another piece of @ss to rape, they find one and we are then privy to another drawn out rape scene. After a few minutes of filler (scenes of the boys at work, family life, etc), cut to the next night where we see the lads are on the prowl for yet another young lady to violate, they spy a cute schoolgirl riding her bike, so one rides up on his scooter, knocks her off her bike and keeps going, when he's gone the other appears and helps her up, and feigning helpfulness he proceeds to walk with her a while. Then he suddenly pushes her into and alley and.. can you guess what's coming? yep, he rapes her. (While the other lad watches and jerks off.) After the raping is done the 2 boys take her to their other friends house (where he lives with his parents) and let him have a bit of a rape too.

The rest of the films runtime is filled with lotsa long, drawn-out rapes and other debaucherous acts inflicted upon the captured schoolgirl - ie: setting her hair on fire, using her as a human punching bag, penetrating her with a lamp - which take place in the friend's house. The boy's parents know what's happening to the girl upstairs but are too scared of their son to do anything about it. Once his mother confronts him about it and he beats her senseless... so she doesn't ask again. In one scene they take the girl to a phone box and make her ring her parents and tell them she's run away but is staying with a friend and is in no danger, so the police won't get suspicious. After a particularly vicious beating, one boy drops an iron barbell on the girl (he was p!ssed cos he'd just lost a game of mah-jongg) which is instrumental in her death. The boys then take her corpse out to a desolate place, put it in a 55 gallon drum, proceed to fill it with concrete, then drive off laughing hysterically.

This is definitely a very grim and nihilistic film, although the constant overlong rape scenes can get a little boring, and overall there's very little ''substance'' or style to it - especially when compared to the same directors excellent All Night Long series. Still, it's worth a look for fans of ''extreme cinema'' or the All Night Long films. 7/10
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