Two worlds between changes
7 January 2007
MONA LISA SMILE is a painting of the American society after war. More than that, it shows in a quite brilliant way, though not to heavy, what women's lives were supposed to become after their college graduation. The movie begins with Katherine Ann Watson (Julia Roberts), young Art History Instructor, who arrives at Wellesley College (for young ladies) for the new Academic Year of 1953/1954. As it is said in the movie, she is not coming to "fit in" but rather to make a difference with the brightest women of America. Wellesley College is a very conservative school where Katherine will have to face disappointment toward the school itself, the law of Massachusset, and also her own students. Through this movie, we lightly follow the stories of Betty Warren (Kirsten Dunst), Joan Brandwyn (Julia Stiles), Gisele Levy (Maggie Gillenhaal) and Connie Baker (Ginnifer Goodwin). At Wellesley, these young women are learning how to become good housewives, and as so, how to give up on their dreams (if they have ones except to get married and raise children).

When Katherine arrives, she is seeking for open minded women, who through Art History should be able to start thinking by themselves outside the conventional way. Unfortunately, Katherine is dealing with a wall. Of course, this is a movie ... so Katherine will get reactions from her students. Some will be bad reactions, especially when Betty publishes her editorial about Katherine and her way of thinking. Some will be good and will guide the characters to hope and sometimes to happy endings.

While following the main characters along the movie, some sensitive subjects are pointed out like how unconceivable contraception was ... how is it nowadays ? Is it really different ? But also, the place of television at home. Have things changed drastically nowadays ?

Anyway, this movie shows how women were meant to save appearances. At the library, Betty shows a picture of the painting Mona Lisa and asks her mother :"she is smiling ... does it mean she is happy ?" Change takes time because teachers have to deal with more than the wills of students, but also with conservatism. And when change comes, for instance, when women allow themselves to work and to have a family, is it the only way to behave ... is it really freedom ? It is also what the movie shows ... make your choices according to what you want, it is how you will be happy. It is a bit simple, but you have the picture I guess.

This movie opens a lot of interesting discussions, you just have to be open minded to see beyond it ...

I really like Mona Lisa Smile in its simplicity and this is the reason why I will see it many other times.
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