Review of Rob-B-Hood

Rob-B-Hood (2006)
Chantastic: Enjoyable, silly but plenty of action
3 January 2007
I just saw this movie and I felt some other user comments were a little unfair. I really enjoyed Jackie's latest efforts and it was great to see Jackie and Yuen Biao back together on screen. The sad thing is I can't help but feel the character of the Landlord should've been Sammo Hung.......It had the potential to be a "3 brothers" film. Its true to say Jackie is slowing down although I detected perhaps only one piece of wire work in a scrap in his apartment (typically full of gadgets, split levels and sliding doors) there were more wires used in "The Myth".

I watched the extended edition (I'm a Chanorak, what can I say) I don't think it drags at all. There's about 3 big fight sequences (One bad guy at the end looks like Mars - I wonder if he's his son? Perhaps one gag was taken from a fight in a filmed called "Rosa" with Yuen Biao and Tik Wei.) It also features a superb chase with an SUV, an armoured bank truck, a moped and a sedan. Jackie is back on form at the climax of this scene as he rescues the baby from being squished more than once at the last minute.

Overall: worth seeing - I'm guessing it won't get released in the UK for a while if ever. Its quirky humour is very Asian. UK fans - I reckon you'll have to buy this from Hong Kong or somewhere in the East - if this ever gets to the UK it will be sliced to bits by the distributors - thats if it gets passed the Politically Correct Brigade - "Ooh you can't do that to a baby!!!" There is one scene - I won't say what it is, but my brother and I felt that it was a bit much given the thing in the UK news about off duty firemen and their camera phones - its to do with laundry - when you see it you'll know what I mean.
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