A funny, intelligent and engaging short which packs more in its short length than entirely too many features I've watched in my life
29 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This short is simply marvelous and was nominated for an Academy Award for Live-Action Short. THat it did not win is more a tribute to the incredible Six Shooter, which took the Oscar, than it is a negative assessment of this short. Since I want to discuss the short in specific detail, this is a spoiler warning:

Kevin Pollak, who is recognizable as a character actor, is perfect in the central role. He's the hub in a wheel, with the other characters circling him. For the short to be effective, you have to see dramatic change in his character (a psychiatrist) and Pollak makes his character essentially go through that marked and drastic alteration of behavior. The short starts out with a brief opening sequence of shots which establish the character's personality quickly and perfectly. There is then a series of rapid introductions of his patients and you can see Pollak's character react to each of his patients as they recite a litany of problems he's heard over and over, with little variation. His way of interacting with everyone places his character in sharp focus in minutes. Then comes the bombshell which changes everything.

In a short film, every second matters and time can be your greatest ally or an implacable foe. The director and editor make time their friend. Just as the early part of the short quickly and effectively establishes the mood, so too does the middle part also establish the change and just as economically. Essentially, we see the same scenes, but with a change in the behavior of the principal figure in turn leading to an entirely different outcome to the sequences. Quick visual cues make very clear the changes wrought by a single phone call. The whole thing is handled beautifully by all concerned. The ending is beautiful and the absolutely perfect way for things to wind up.

This short is available on a compilation DVD which includes all five of the Live-Action Short nominees for 2005, three of the five Animated Short nominees and two bonus animated shorts which were not nominees for the Oscar. This short and the whole compilation DVD are highly recommended.
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