Never Forget (1991 TV Movie)
decent show; should be on DVD
20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Never Forget" was run and re-run several times in the course of just a few days when it came out, as I remember, and I've never seen or heard of it since. But it is a decent picture and Leonard Nimoy is excellent in it as the Holocaust survivor who sues an anti-Semitic, "Holocaust is Myth" group who offers a cash reward to anyone who proves that the Holocaust really happened. Nimoy's character demands the money and when he's refused, sues the anti-Semites for breach of contract. In court he prevails by getting the court to take "judicial notice" of the fact of the Holocaust. "Judicial notice" is a mechanism of legal proof where the fact is so well-known that there is no reason to have to put on real proof (i.e., there's no need to prove in court that the sun rises in the east).

I particularly remember Nimoy's scenes where he has to undergo a cruel deposition by the anti-Semites' lawyer who badgers him with questions and tries to get him to admit that he never saw anyone actually gassed at Auschwitz. Nimoy gets the final word though with his moving testimony before the court.
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