That's So Raven (2003–2007)
Some crazy girl named Raven has the power to briefly see the future, and gets her and her friends in trouble.
16 December 2006
This strangely repetitive series seems never ending, and pointless, as there are a million different situations in which they can put a girl with foresight into, each one as stupid as the next. This preppy teen bopping girl is more annoying than a toddler on Prozac. Between her high pitched squeals, her accentuated acting, and her pointless "jokes", this show quickly drains down to nothing more than a hopeless shell of a series. BONUS FUN: Listen to the opening song... It basically describes the rest of the season, so you no longer have to watch it! If you're a hyper, sugar high teenager, or a child, this show is perfect for you! If you're a nauseated adult who can spot repetitiveness, stay away!!!

In the only fairness I will give to the show, it does have its moments.
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