Teen Angel (1997–1998)
same type of show, different style of humor
14 December 2006
I think this is another one of those shows that was before its time: it didn't surprise me in the least to find out the creative minds from The Simpsons and The Critic were behind it.

The plot was not especially unexpected, considering TGIFs line-up of sitcoms starring teen characters with magical powers. Yet what really made this show for me was its absurdity and the great one-liners. Although it hasn't been broadcast in the U. S. in years, some of the transcripts are easily found online, and I have to say: the humor still holds up. (I recommend giving them a look if you can't view the show, you might be pleasantly surprised.)

The characters and setting may have been misleading: the rhythm and tone of the show are much more reminiscent of adult cartoons like "The Critic" than lighter comedies like "Sabrina." That's probably why it was canceled.
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