Meat Loaf: To Hell and Back (2000 TV Movie)
Why Do So Many Hard Core Meat Loaf Fanz Love This Abomination?
13 December 2006
Don't get my wrong, Im a hard core Meat Loaf fan, but this attempt at a success story was an abomination to him & Jim Stienman. Gee, where should I begin? The publicity lies & exaggerations, the acting was mediocre, he looked nothing' like Meat loaf, except he was the correct weight, he could'not act like him worth a bucket of cat crap, 1 of the only correct things here was that he could talk like him. The dude who played Jim, sucked hairy crack, too. Why does not it surprise me that he does not look NE thing like him? They did not even get the hair right, the acting', & don't forget the misinterpretation of his persona, just like with Meat Loaf. The filming' was ghetto, the lip-syncing' was painfully visible, they jacked up & tweaked the personal life stuff with bull crap, there was no freaking' indication of mystery, which he & Stienman are the epitome of, not even a smidgen. Therez more screwed up, typical film goofs, & other sloppy B-movie type crap to point out, but lets just say all I can sum it up with, it was the epitome of all that screws up films, especially biographical dramas.Why do so many other Meat Loaf fans love this pile of crap? I mean, I could go on like 5 pages, of reasons it sucked!! Oh, yeah, 1 last thing I gotta get off my chest........Did VH1 even try to get this to work, & give it some effort n' rock n' roll Meat Loaf aura? Meat Loaf is God, & he deserves a better tribute n' commemoration to his success than this lame product of a group of wannabes n'losers.Meat Loaf & Stieman are probably saying'to themselves........LMFAO!!!!!.......I agree, apparently, LOL
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