Review of Unrest

Unrest (I) (2006)
Beware of Brazilian Aztecs!
18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. I watch a lot of horror movies. I mean LOADS of them. I enjoy horror as a genre, and I'm willing to put up with a lot of silly crap if a movie has other redeeming features. This movie, however, has almost none. The only reason I gave it two stars instead of one was for the Tank O Dead Guys and the Dead Guy Hook at the start of the movie. Those were fun. The rest of the flick, though...sigh.

So what's wrong with this movie? Where to start? The acting is almost universally awful. The script is beyond awful. It's ridiculous. The main character repeats her taglines about "feeling something" in the presence of the cadaver so many times it's just silly. When she tells the school psychologist "There's something wrong with my cadaver," the entire audience erupted in laughter. (Wrong with it? Well, uh, it's DEAD...) In fact, the Seattle audience laughed through most of this piece of medical waste.

"Unrest" starts out promising, with floating corpses and some icky-cool dissection scenes. Then it gets boring. Then it gets stupid. Um...people swimming of formaldehyde? The fumes alone from that quantity of the stuff would kill your silly ass. A woman who picks up an angry Aztec BRAZIL??? I guess it got bored with Mexico and went to Brazil for spring break.

Then there was the Aztec goddess they picked for the job. Tlazoteotl is a fertility and sex goddess. And she's not a literal "eater of filth." She was a sineater--she purified the dying at the end of their lives. As far as Aztec gods go (and they all tended to be pretty nasty), she was a downright sweetie. Why not pick Coatlicue, who was a mother/death goddess who wore a necklace of human hands and stunk like decaying flesh? Or Xipetotec, the Flayed God? Just thinking about a Flayed God creeps me out! But no. They had to go with the Ho Goddess.

Worst of all, the movie just wasn't scary. It didn't even get a startle out of me. And when I can't get scary, I'll accept good gore, but there wasn't even any of that. All the murders took place offscreen. The POSTER is scarier than the entire movie.

I can't say I regret seeing this movie at Horrorfest. I went with a good friend, and we laughed our butts off. But y'know, we could have seen Borat. Borat in that bathing suit thing alone is scarier than anything in Unrest.
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