Overall, a good, if not disturbing, film.
5 November 2006
*** out of ****

The film adaptation of the book entitled THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS, i am happy to say, is pretty much spot on in capturing the tone and the general feel of the book. I've read the book many times and i am a fan of it. I liked how easy it was to get into and how the ugly tone was employed. But lets pretend that i haven't read the book. Lets pretend that i purchased this film only because i thought it looked interesting. Is it still good? Well, yeah. It pretty much is. I'm mean sure, it isn't likable, but it is well made, well acted, and well directed by another fan of the book Asia Argento. Asia also stars in it, and while she goes overboard with her part sometimes, she still does an admirable job at playing a real psycho. She plays Sarah, a junkie prostitute who has a son, of which the film is about. Her son, Jeramiah, has all sorts of twisted misadventures. He is a young boy who ends up stoned, abused, raped, brainwashed, raped again, stoned again, abused again, etc... His journey to the depths of hell becomes increasingly hard to watch as the film continues.

He eventually gets hooked up with Sarah's fundamentalist parents who are strict, abusive, and obviously angry at his mother. He ends up growing up there for most of his young life.

While the film is pretty sick and trashy, its interesting to watch this boy develop in such strange ways. Since every scene in the film is about him, we feel that we're there with him from the beginning. We feel really sorry for him during the violent sequences.

Overall, the film works well in its narrative and, while its definitely not for most people, i recommend it. Just try to stomach the subject matter.

Rated R for intense depiction of child abuse/neglect, strong sex and drug content, pervasive language and some violence.

WARNING: If you purchased this film on DVD under the distribution company of PALM PICTURES, you might easily get a faulty copy that may have a certain scene crunched about three quarters into it. This wasn't the fault of PALM PICTURES, this was just a processing fault. It happens. If your DVD is glitched, please contact palm pictures. If you would like to view the scene in the mean time, plug in this address:

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