one of the best Sturges
28 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After a while Sturges got very overblown and flashy. This one kept him earlily reined in, even though earlily was not a word until now. The first and last of it is very good indeed. The poker game that starts things off is about as compact a character study, in its own way even nearly equal to the first bits of Bad Day At Black Rock, and in some ways even better because it is so understated. Randolph Scott at the table is supremely realistic here. The game is even played for penny ante stakes, almost nakedly drawing any and all in for the game, very late 40ish kind of device to gather everybody for the hunt. Too much so, in fact. This film could easily have dispensed with the Arthur Kennedy character and two or three others. The whole bunch is just too large and ridiculous, practically needing a parade permit. And the middle of the chase is way too long and marred by flashbacks. However the poker game and sandstorm are, well, just great. This is one of those films that is so flawed and so good in parts that it deserves a remake, though it would be hard to find the likes of somebody like Scott: you would have to search high and low for an unknown since there is nobody around in LA remotely with his western power. That done, even make it a period piece, cut out the absurdities and slackness, and it could make a very tight piece of business, shot in good ole Black and White.
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