The Other Side of Hell (1978 TV Movie)
Good film for low budget
27 October 2006
I have one of the only known copies of this film that I personally recorded in the fall of 1978 (which is BTW in pretty poor shape,) and have never been able to track down a better version. My father-in-law was a carpenter who worked on the construction of the set. As as fate would have it -- I now work at the same institution where this was filmed.

Alan Arkin played a believable role in this movie. As the plot line developed -- he and his wife had an argument and the police had him in custody. He was then committed via court order to the Hillsgate Institution for the Mentally Insane. During his stay he witnessed many atrocities that were taking place behind the institution walls. He convinced his wife to smuggle him in a camera to record these events.

This was a low budget film produced for one of the major television networks.

Overall this film could really have been a documentary of the time.
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