Best movie ever in Hungarian historical topic
19 October 2006
Hungarians are people of wars of independence. They can't stand oppression for a long time. They had wars of independence against Ottomans, Habsburgs and in 1956 against the Soviets. However there are very many exciting stories of the Hungarian history, unfortunately there are very few movies about them. This one commemorates the heroic freedom fighters of Budapest. The Hungarian title "Szabadság szerelem" (in English: Freedom and love) is a historical reference to a poem of Petöfi Sándor, the famous poet and revolutionist of the Hungarian revolution and war of independence of 1848.

You must see this movie to understand peoples of Central and Eastern-Europe and their history. They are all victims of the worst and perhaps the cruelest dictatorship ever in the world. I love this movie. And after that I must say: I'm proud to be a Hungarian.
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