Review of Imprint

Masters of Horror: Imprint (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
This is too scary?
17 October 2006
I gotta say, I've seen a lot of horror films in my day and many have claimed to be too scary for an audience but very few if any ever live up to the hype. Hostel for instance was supposed to be terrifying. I fell asleep. this entry in the popular TV series was actually banned from TV for being too intense. In a way I can see why they wouldn't want it on TV. The film features some very extreme scenes and some tough topics. Normally scenes of torture don't bother me too much ( unless it involves the eyes cause that just freaks me out) as I sat through Reservoir Dogs and various other films like Showgirls with no problems. The torture scene here just made me squirm. It was so long and so brutal that I just couldn't take it. I'm sorry but there's no real entertainment value to be found there. If it serves the plot great but otherwise I think you need to reevaluate that trip to the psychiatrist if you find entertainment in that. Throw in a hodgepodge that includes an actual on camera abortion, dead fetuses, syphilis, mutations, bad acting incest and pedophilia and the viewer is left with sensory overload more than terror. Although the thought that some have found this scary is terrifying. I gotta say avoid this one like the clap.
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