12 October 2006
This movie sucked! Poor acting, poor script! I think it was meant to be a comedy but the only thing funny about the film is that it wasn't funny all. There's not much more to say about this terrible excuse for a film, the film was apparently made in 1984, when I watched without knowing what year I thought it must have been late sixties early 70's.

There were only 2 actors that I'd heard of before watching it & that was ZaZa Gabor & that Donald guy(u know from Halloween & B grade horror flicks)anyway if you do ever force yourself to watch the film you'll get a laugh at the goofy and wimpy Frankenstein. The only reason I watched it was because it was going on sale with 10 other dvds for a total of 11 bucks! Wasn't I a SUCKER!
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