DVD version
11 October 2006
Hey hippiedj...I also love this movie. I've always been a huge Mako fan and I have to see whatever he is in, and was thrilled to see him in this type of story.

I agree with your assessment of the age thing, but I also have issues with Asian characters only being presented as certain types and in certain stories. This movie is so great in that it has an older Asian man and Caucasian woman dating. It's a very cool story, and of course there is the honesty of the conflict with Shelly Winters' character of the controlling/bigoted sister.

I guess there were a few hokey lines and moments, but this remains one of my favorite movies, both for the story and the actors. (Well, I'm partial to Mako, but I think the women were wonderful in their characters as well.)

I just wanted to say that I also have a VHS copy of this movie and had been searching for a DVD for some time...and it is now on DVD and I have one. You should do a search for it and check it out!
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