6 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Rather than focus on what this film is not I will focus on what it is. From what some people will say TCM the beginning, (as the TCM Predecessor has been accused of)are, too predictable, not enough plot.....etc etc etc, all comments from individuals who obviously are watching the wrong watered down horror movies for the wrong reasons. If you want to watch a good old fashion blood and guts horror movie that delivers on the darkness, the atmosphere, the killing, all that makes a horror movie good (and not bad as is lost on most movie reviewers) then see TCM the beginning. It is a throw-back, just as the remake was to a time when the horror movie market was not dominated with slews of PG-13 watered down,"psychological horror" ripped off from real Japanese horror movies and only made worse by US film makers. I for one am glad that movies like TCM the beginning come out now and again to the same Criticisms that should be praised rather than scored, but then again i am of a generation that applauds the blood, and Gratuitous violence and dreary depression or horror, instead of going eeewww thats gross! It beats the heck out of the Japanese rip off PG-13 flicks and it definitely beats most of the 90s horror departure from the excellent horror of the 80s film makers who weren't scared to show blood, guts, nudity etc. That is just my general overview if you are the type of person who wishes to see a huge hulking serial killer demolish people, rather than some little bug eyed kid, or old man with a fisherman's hook then by all means see TCM the beginning, otherwise stay home and complain about the lack of all elements that have ruined most horror films over the past decade.
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