Review of E.B.E.

The X-Files: E.B.E. (1994)
Season 1, Episode 17
Extra terrestrial Biological Entity
22 September 2006
Information regarding a UFO which has been shot down over Iraq and secretly transported the U.S. has been conveyed to Mulder from Deep Throat.However previously where Deep Throat has appeared to be helpful and attempt to guide Mulder in the right direction isn't repeated in this episode.He blatantly lies to Mulder to cover up the truth of what really happened.Also in this episode is the debut of the much loved Lone Gunmen characters.Mulders paranoid friends who like showing off their technical knowledge with the express aim of aiding him on his cases.An exciting episode where many more questions are asked about Deep Throat and what his true motives are and the first sightings of the highly likable Lone Gunmen
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