Review of Cry-Baby

Cry-Baby (1990)
Extremely obnoxiously campy -- and not in a good way!
18 September 2006
I can understand the desire to do a campy film, but this one was hideously overdone -- it was painful and embarrassing to watch. Yes, there are a few laughs, but it is so not-worth-it! It is interesting to note how many talented actors are in this; thus making it sadder still -- such a waste of talent. The idea behind the movie is funny, but the screen-play could have used a few more re-writes and the director ought to have paid closer attention to the fact that the audience would be made to suffer through the boredom of watching the same grotesquely over-used facial expression and hearing the same flat delivery for a variety of stupid lines. I know this movie isn't supposed to be taken seriously, but it goes far beyond being just good farcical fun and ends up being a dreadful waste of film. Anyone who tells you this is a great movie is not to be trusted; their taste is obviously highly questionable.
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