Kim Possible: So the Drama (2005 TV Movie)
A film that took me by surprise
17 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite surprised when I first heard about So The Drama. I was also surprised when I heard about the surprise in the movie (although I already knew what it was because of the first preview I saw, let me tell you, commericals like that are dead give aways for endings). For a while, I thought there was something between Kim and Ron (I believe since I first saw A Sitch In Time, because Kim and Ron had a rough time being separated), and thought "Those two should get together". The idea went on for awhile, even in the episode "Blush" when Kim wanted to date Josh (Ron risked a lot to save Kim's life). But when I saw the episode Emotion Sickness and learned that Ron believed that dating would destroy their friendship, that thought disappeared and I didn't think about it again until I saw the first preview for So The Drama. I thought "Whoa, another Kim Possible movie? This should be interesting" With the way it was telling about Kim's exploits, traveling the world, facing many villains, having a great team, I figured this movie would be filled with more action than the last one, then when I saw the part towards the end of the commerical when the announcer said "But nothing could have prepared her for this drama", I thought "What's he mean?That must be the prom, who is she dancing with? Holy Cow! That's Ron! How does this happen?" The instant I saw that preview, I had to see the movie. And when I did, I was thrown for a few loops. I figured this movie would be a life changing event, especially when I saw the changes Bueno Nacho was going through (I didn't know it was being used as tool in Drakken's scheme until Drakken mentioned he acquired a company in a hostile takeover, and the part where it showed Bueno Nacho giving out toys that looked liked the design Drakken stole, obviously, he tortured the original CEO into giving him control Man, Bueno Nacho isn't getting a lot of respect in these KP movies, in A Sitch In Time, Shego completely destroyed it, and in So The Drama, Drakken used it as an instrument to take over the world. I kind of expected Ron's treatment on Drakken at the end of the movie.) When I saw Kim was with that other guy in the "Get Your Shine On" music video, I thought " Either this is before she was with Ron, or something strange is up". I came up with a few crazy theories about Erik. I thought he could've been a secret agent who was sent to help Kim bring in Drakken and in the end, would step aside cause he knew who Kim really belonged with. Another theory I came up with (and probably my most ridiculous one) was that he was really Drakken in disguise, who had brushed up on teenagers enough to impersonate one (the idea really got in my head because in one commercial, I saw Drakken wearing a fancy suit like a tux), but that idea disappeared when I saw Drakken attack Kim's father, cause he couldn't be in two places at once. Then when I saw the part where Shego was looking at Drakken's synthodrone upgrades,I thought "Maybe that guy is a synthodrone" (that part also gave a few ideas about Drakken's scheme like maybe he combined the technology with the toy design). What surprises me is that my theories were correct (but I still wondered why Drakken would do that until Dr. Possible said the technology could grow. I figured the Diablos were receiving a miniature command signal when they attacked Ron). When Drakken and Shego kidnapped Erik, I thought "Somthing is up, how did Drakken know about Kim and Erik? And how is it he was expecting Kim to come save him like that?". When Erik came down the escalator to Kim, I thought "That was too easy", the instant Erik revealed his true colors, I thought "I knew it!". I'm really glad how things worked out in the end. It is kind of funny. In a way, Drakken got Kim and Ron got together. What was almost Drakken's greatest victory became his most humiliating defeat and he ended up playing matchmaker for his arch-foe. What an amazing turn of events. If you ask me, Disney made the perfect ending for So The Drama (it was one of the best endings to a movie I ever saw, and it ended the way I hoped it would). After seeing So The Drama, it became one of my favorite Disney Channel Original Movies (one of the best if you ask me), I see it every chance I can. I hope Disney Channel makes another Kim Possible movie like that (hopefully in it, Ron will pop the big question).
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