Review of Minotaur

Minotaur (2006)
"movie for TV" doesn't mean "bad"
16 September 2006
What do you usually expect from movie where Coward is looking for his kidnapped girl. Sure, he'll turn into hero who will save the girl and be honored by his co-villagers. Right? NOOOOO. Not in this case. the plot is real pleasure for the movie watchers who are ready to think a little bit and don't count the budget of the movie instead of following the journey of the main character. because he's the real one who deserves the greatest attention of the watcher. I was clicking' the channels at the night, and actually wanted to go to bed, but this movie in few moments attracted my eye. Thanks to God director didn't try to restore the historical truth and didn't do the "Discovery movie" about "what they worn, what they ate" etc. This movie stays on the thin line line of simplicity and effect. For me the greatest zest was the changing of main character (Tom Hardy, marked him for my list of the best actors), who for love, for his aim turns into brave, then into mad and inhuman and reaches the despair. At the end the main character is not the well known hero. He's the broken and lonely man, who'll search in future only for silence and peace. MY Mark for "Minotaur" is 10. Thumbs up.
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